Sunday, January 23, 2005

Written 23/1/05 3:40 pm
So if people are listening more 'carefully' thropugh these blogs to what it is that some of the 'layers of self' (as 'other' and layers of self as 'oneself' or elf....!) have to say... is that what blogging is about?

I'm typing this while 'not online' on a handheld computer, but already conceiving that I will post this 'later'... In the Now of this writing then, you reading this as a blognote by Barry might as well be here 'with me' as I type - but you probably didn't feel it!!!

In that sense in our evolving shifting of our relationships with each other and the World in some of these kinds of ways - we are reaching towards some first ways of transcending time... and that is apparently what way we can actually let ourselves 'go' if we want to...

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