A friend of mine struggles with depression - the way I see so many people doing - the same way I do it myself :>( ... We FOCUS on what is seemingly Right in Front of US. In the case of this picture of our 'outside dining table' ( ! ) this means focusing on black and white options for putting self/Self in This Box or That Box. To quote my friend:
"The self limitations of emotions, be it anger / depression /guilt / anxiety or fear can be as debilitating as any addiction or life threatening disease. Feelings of being a complete failure can lead to and result in a powerful journey to self destruction."
He then admitted to: "struggling now on how to continue with this discussion, battling with screams on how it must be done perfectly. I am allowing a reprieve, to attempt to shift to a part of me that is content with muddling along this journey..." To me, that "muddling along" he's speaking of [trying not to be judging himself about] is actually the "Pearl of Great Price" - i.e. that is exactly the way it feels - 'muddling through' the battlefield of giving oneself permission not to be just looking at the immediate blacknwhite non-choices in front of us - but giving myself permission to look up into the greenery of the trees or the blue of the sky above or the warmth of a Spring Sun - which, I stilllll predict - will get to us sometime about now... Blessing All Our Connections, Barry