Saturday, January 29, 2005
So where is the Truth in Media?
Friday, January 28, 2005

A Pergrine Falcon that sat for about an hour and a half by my office building yesterday. Unfortunately the only angle I could catch a photo of him/her from was through the branches of this tree. This shot would be at about 1000 mm telephoto (in 35 mm camera equivalent). An update added February 1, 2005 at 12:30 p.m. - Just heard last night that this was actually some form of hawk "either a rough-legged hawk or a sharp-shinned hawk" according to my son-in-law to be... Aerron: I wouldn't have been perturbed if you'd corrected me here (!) Thanks for the information actually. To clarify a bit more though, this hawk wasn't so forward as to be right outside my office window - he/she was really about several hundred yards away which is why the photo is a bit grainy - it's a blow up of a blow up!
This evening the version of this I'm having is because I have a known (to me!) desire to read one of my current books (Wynn Free's book on David Wilcock as the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce) but I also feel inclined to do some photoshop stuff or to play with copying audiobooks or to do some writing... you can see which is winning at the moment! Anyway, all the while I have that known set of possible activities, my mind is circling around the other recent discussions with my wife - like a semi big issue of looking at going on vacation somewhere - Mexico was being discussed - but also we were discussing the option of Adopting A Child - - - a slightly (!) larger issue...
So. Mmmmmm, the whirling fog of topics/thoughts/feelings & possible activities to do this evening that are almost there but not totally Clear Cut are probably happening in the context of That: the Revolutionary Idea of Adoption! and it would easily seem, now that I think about it, that that would be a pretty big consideration to be cooking in the background... Not much more to say about it yet, though.
But at least I finished the kitchen counter repairs today!
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Some comments on Autopilot processes...
As one neat blog I was on today summed it up differently: there was or is a purpose to You Being on This Page if it's touching you... :>)
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Monday... Monday
Does it 'just work out that way'? (Mamas&Papas...) Is it not possible to escape the blues I feel here/now again? On handheld here, so there'll be a gap again before I 'put this up' on the blog... It sometimes feels So intimate when I'm typing straight to it - This set of moments, on the other hand feels much more detached. I identified with 'notsoclairvoyant' in her switching back and forth... Here I am in the dumpster area of self... interesting - maybe the metaphor holds more truth than one would think, as the dumpsters these days have hydraulic Compressing Of Contents type ways they pack their trash. And I KNOW I'm trash in some determined to hold onto pain part of me right now - in spite of having felt blessed/energetic during that chat with John just a short while ago.
Monday, January 24, 2005
Visiting of others blogs
Random visiting of blogs led me to thistlegirl and
Can we change this world around by linking with each other? I sure hope so.
So is pain the only way to grow? I guess by contrast, if I let my reflections evaporate into misty uneasy feelings of wishing vaguely for feeling better - probably the pain that comes next is to try and shove me back to reflectiveness (* !*) But given that that energy is coming from an out of balance place, it shoves rather than invites.....
Now - given that it's later in the day - I feel more calm and also able to get to more of that reflectiveness - as probably evident in the tone of this note. Today was difficult earlier though and I want to address that a bit further.
To me, it comes back to the boundaries of the Pushiness Issue/Element. In that vague (at that time) pain, my depressiveness was kept at bay by my 'stiff upper lip' British upbringing which requires that I not break down into self pity... The problem with that paradigm, however, is that the Self Pity flowers even more, I think, with being suppressed.
Interesting here: me the psychotherapist in public therapy with myself ::>)
But I have a sense that that's what one layer of what these blogs provides - a chance to dialogue with self in ways that inherently allow for being at least partly outside the box - precisely because I know (as deeply as I let myself feel it...) that _any_ person on the planet can listen in - including all the many different types and orientations of people whose judgement I could deeply fear the most. So to go ahead and actually blog it to the web is also to give myself a chance to accept all these apparent failings.
MMMMMmmmm, think I'll recommend this to clients as a great form of self therapy. And it's free!
Hasta la vista.
Seeing ourselves when we haven't been looking...
Just watched a colleague playing with/looking at the clouds picture as below. Fascinating. He saw what I had never seen in quite a few 'lookings' at that shot... He saw himself growing. Me, I often seem to first feel myself shifting through watching that part of my mind where I conceive that I'm not supposed to go (kind of like backing up into my own growth!) - so it comes as a surprise to me when I can get straight to it. I guess the bottom duck shot did do it for me, though. The waves are there as indications that we matter outside ourselves...
Blessing All These Connections. Barry
From 'work': Brand new building last year and now it's freezing
I'm sure it's not just me - you, whoever you are reading this - probably feel it too: We're a species in decline somehow... We do All This Stuff... yet at the same time we think we're doing so well we miss the quality issue... We put up these New Buildings, these New This, New That - and so many are flawed - like this new building with freezing temperatures this morning.
On the other hand, maybe I just need some more tea and to arrive completely :>>)
Blessing All Our Connections, (even this chilly one...) Barry
Sunday, January 23, 2005

A further view of that barn from my brother Don. It looks cold and grey there whenever these were taken. In contrast, here in London today while it was freezing cold 'technically', the really brilliant sunshine made it feel quite an okay kind of day. Next time I'll take a shot and include it here. (Next time meaning ,really, when I get around to it if I'm honest... :>>) Thanks Don. TTFN. Blessing All Our Connections
So if people are listening more 'carefully' thropugh these blogs to what it is that some of the 'layers of self' (as 'other' and layers of self as 'oneself' or elf....!) have to say... is that what blogging is about?
I'm typing this while 'not online' on a handheld computer, but already conceiving that I will post this 'later'... In the Now of this writing then, you reading this as a blognote by Barry might as well be here 'with me' as I type - but you probably didn't feel it!!!
In that sense in our evolving shifting of our relationships with each other and the World in some of these kinds of ways - we are reaching towards some first ways of transcending time... and that is apparently what way we can actually let ourselves 'go' if we want to...
So what is this blogging thing?
So my sense of this is that if I or anyone wanting to do this blogging thing is really letting it happen the way that it would echo the underlying need or impulse, it is really about meditating – but a specific meditation in the flow of thoughts and consequent words. For me, I know that the pictures and images I want to post here are also part of that meditation.
So it’s a bright, sunny afternoon in southwest
I’ve also just got some duck pictures from my reclusive brother in
Reading Wynn Free’s book on David Wilcock as the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. I recommend it. Challenging as it is, it does nudge ‘one’ in the direction of not accepting ‘things as normal… (me accepting, that is – interesting way I depersonalize – but that is part of the play of life, eh?)
I dunno about anyone reading this but I find it an interesting experience to just type here without worrying too much who will read this. Friend, ‘relative’ or ‘stranger’ I find myself feeling for an echo from whoever you are. Will you understand my connection with (I think… !) any of your potential ‘reactions’ to my meditations here? There’s almost part of me that figures at some point ‘one’ could actually sense the reactions of others…
Well, gonna slip back ouut of this mode/subpersonality/focus and move back to readying self to visit Pat.
Blessing All Our Connections,
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Being Who We Are...
Y o u r
S e l f
S p a c e
T o B e Y o u r G o d
Here and Now in This Light:
Y o u ’ l l n e v e r s h i f t
t o a P l a c e o f
L o v i n g
Y o u r s e l f
by Hating,
-I've been thinking ... Am I YOU, God?
>>No... but, Yes...
-I'm just a PART of you, right? Like an offspring...
>>Not exactly...
-C'mon, God! Give it up! Tell me!
>>Okay... see if you can understand. YOU are ME!
-That's what I just asked and you said no!
>>Listen carefully... There is NO you... there is ONLY me...
-But, but... God... I DO EXIST!
>>Yes, you do BECAUSE I do...
-Huh? This is some weird metaphysical mumbo-jumbo!
>>Not really... Let me explain instead WHY you exist. You and everything around you exists because I wanted to experience all of it. I saw joy in it all. There was/is/will be no experience lesser or greater, more or less noble---theyre all joyous! It's like watching ALL the channels on satellite AT THE SAME TIME! The story shifts, rises and falls, surprises and saddens. No pre-set course, just as I choose. Each of you-manifestations of Me-are me. Just as all around you is. The idea that there is a YOU, does not really exist, except in your mind.
-So... I'm talking to me?
>>No, I'm talking to me.
-Wow! I can't fathom that I don't really exist.
>>But you do exist, because I exist. You see?
-So.. I REALLY am you?
>>In a way... but do you see the slight difference in viewpoint? I am you.
-Okay, God... nobody's gonna believe this. What it sounds like you're saying is that from my perspective, I see myself as the centre of existence, when in reality YOU are the centre of existence.
>>Precisely! Look at how differently it all appears when you put yourself in my shoes. I am experiencing through each funny or terrible moment of your existence. I created you to experience me. Because you are as unique and exciting as a toad.
-A toad! I would think my life would be more fun to experience than a toad!
>>Not really... And if you really think about it, you are a toad BECAUSE I am also a toad (and all the other things/people/stars thatll eventually reach their turn-around point!) There is a different experience and feel to being each thing, each person, and I love them all! I am... the creator. You are the clothes I wear.
-Jeez... you make me feel so insignificant.
>>How could you possibly come to that conclusion? The mere fact that you exist should show you how delighted I am to experience being who you are.
-This is so confusing...
>>Think of it this way. For years astronomers believed the sun rotated around the Earth. They were somewhat humbled to discover that planets rotate around the sun. This symbol in your sky is there to help you understand. This fact does not diminish the beauty and marvellous differences in each of the planets. It just demonstrates how things really are.
-You're saying I exist for your pleasure?
>>Yes.The analogy would be the planets exist and are dependent on the sun for their continued existence.You see how perfectly the sun holds them in their navigational pattern, right? The sun is the focus, power and protector. The sun provides for their continued safekeeping and correct orbits, just as I do for you-- or a blade of grass
-I feel kinda bummed, even a little used. I'm nothing more than your puppet.
>>No! You are my joy! I created you to experience you. Through the existence of all, I am eternally alive!
-Are you saying you create us, then live vicariously through us? It sounds like we have no choice in the matter at all!
>>What? Do you think I have no choices? I have infinite choices. Therefore, as I am you, what may appear to be your choice, is actually my choice. You perceive it as your decision. It is always the me that You Are.
-You mean you can just veto or cancel out my choices at any time?
>>You don't fully understand yet. You have as many choices as I have. What occurs to you as a possibility, an opportunity to choose, is me calling for more experience. Then I decide what I'd like next.
-God, this just can't be! I am a nothing! When you're done with me, then I'll just poof!
>>Hahaha! I have never poofed and I am infinitely experiencing. Are you not delighted to know you always exist as me? That you are me and, if I can use this term, we are forever having experiences. You never poof!
---Gosh, something just occurred to me. Is that why people say we are experiencing our Selves simultaneously in all time dimensions?
>>Yes! Because you are me, I am the all, the forever... you exist everywhere all the time! All those me/us are encountering me/us in other guises
-Oh my goodness, God. I can't believe you are telling me this. There are great people who have been searching to understand this mystery... and you have just revealed it to me. I guess I am having some difficulty fully comprehending all of it, though. It completely changes everything I know of myself. Now that I know you are me, I feel... more powerful. Yet at the same time... I am here, but I do not exist separately, because there is only you. Mindboggling. I do not pull from source, source pushes to me. Does that mean I have to wait for you to decide to push?
>>No! Because it would never occur to you to do anything, else I desired it. Your will is Mine (Which makes for some funny looking choices sometimes, and some of you consequently believe there is Wrongness as all expressions are played out ) Learning to be God again takes a bit of getting used to!
-That would mean you felt like talking to yourself today, huh, God! LOL!
>>Hehehehe... Yeah, but don't let that get around!
-God, I'm goanna reflect now on all this. It's pretty heavy-duty! There's so much to consider. This is deep!
>>Just remember... when you share this with others, which I know you will do, know that some of my creations are not desiring of this knowledge. I am experiencing something different through them and this information would not fit into that experience.
-Sounds like you're saying it's on a need to know basis, eh, God? LOL!
>>Hahaha! I'm just saying not to concern yourself if I choose in my other creations not to incorporate this into that expression. Do you understand?
-Yeah... Cuz you want a different experience. I see... So maybe I shouldn't tell anybody about this?
>>No, go ahead. Like all other knowledge of me, they will accept what I wish for them to accept. Sheryl, before you go, hear me on this: THANK YOU for letting me create you. You have allowed me to be who you are. I love that! Yet, also, :>>) don't forget, that I also love being a toad.
-I better go rip the bumper sticker off my car that says, God is my co-pilot, huh?
>>Why? It's funny! C'mon, Sheryl, stop thinking of all the things this subtracts from who you believe you are and instead consider all that this really means! Now that you know this, what is there to fear? There are no rights and wrongs! I love all of your expressions, as they are mine! I'm having a blast! You are truly each moving towards fantasizing being The One, (like the Matrixs Neo!) just as you actually Are not yet knowing me as You! Youre each George Burns as God (or female equivalent thereof!) come alive! Living through you is like being a happy George/Georgina every moment! Thanks to you, I laugh my head off constantly.
-God, I kinda wish you would have said you were just along for the ride, then I would have gotten to maintain my identity.
>>Your identity is expanded now. You are me! Think about it... You are all of my expressions in every moment. You exist forever because I exist forever. The identity you call YOU is me. There is no WE really. Therefore, you are all of me, all of the time! Get it?
-I feel like I should shout this from a mountaintop. But, I'm just going to share this talk with my friend, Barry. He'll know what to do.
>>Yes, he and many others will - as they feel me. When you share this with him, let him know that I am immensely enjoying being him as well. You are all such delightful creations and I created each of you deliberately, with considerable thought, and with purpose. Not one of you gives me more or less joy. Each expression, each experience is cherished by me. Many times I hear you all say thanks to me, for creating you... but it is I who owes you the gratitude. You know I could talk all day, but I sense you are feeling a bit overwhelmed by all this, so let's get on with the show! Go get 'em, sweetheart!

A test email
To test the emailing of blog comments - yes it does seem to work - that may mean I'll add comments from work when the inspiration strikes me…
Friday, January 21, 2005

My Starting Point Here
Instant of your life you choose what way to try and honor the ‘aspect of self’ you currently see yourself as ‘being‘: + , — or neutral.
Selves (sub-personalities) always have a ‘partial’ (Autopilot) agenda, however, both in energy and stillness. Through their ‘conditioned choices’, as that automated part, you learned to push, avoid, numb or rescue ‘you’/your world from ‘there‘, rather than from your Source. Such aspects of self ’play’ the roles we seem to be..
Everywhere is a paradox, having deep truths both as an energetic fragment of the ever moving Light - yet also as an ultimate Still Space within...
May you find Today's Opening for Your Freedom...